Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program
Emilee Novak (Lachenmeier)
Program Coordinator
Check out the 2024 NPS Annual Report StoryMap!
The NDDEQ has developed an interactive StoryMap highlighting the accomplishments of the Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program in 2024. Scroll below or click
HERE to view.
Annual Report StoryMaps will be archived by NDDEQ for five years. To request a link to a previous report, please contact Emilee Novak (
Our Vision
The North Dakota NPS Program vision is to abate all NPS pollution threats and impairments to the beneficial
uses of the waters of the state.
Our Mission
The North Dakota NPS Management Program mission is to implement a voluntary, incentive-based program that
restores and protects the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of waters where the beneficial uses
are threatened or impaired due to nonpoint sources of pollution.
Our Goals
- Coordinate with the Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL Program) and local partners to assess 15
priority watersheds to document the beneficial use conditions as well as the sources and causes of NPS
pollutants impairing beneficial uses of the waterbodies within the watersheds.
- In cooperation with local partners, develop and implement watershed restoration or protection plans for
15 priority sub-watersheds. Success of these projects will be defined by restoration of impaired uses;
applied best management practices (BMPs) and progress toward pollutant load reductions described in the
approved watershed-based plans.
- Through multiple forms of media at the state and local level, increase public awareness and
understanding of water quality and beneficial use impairments associated with NPS pollution as well as
the sources and causes of NPS pollution in the state.