Basin Framework
The purpose of the Basin Framework is to guide water quality management, planning and implementation
through a targeted basin management approach. This basin water quality management planning process will
promote more coordinated data and information collection and sharing, increased availability of
technical and financial resources, and more focused and effective water quality management activities
The Basin Framework
The Basin Framework is organized around five major river basins in the state:
- Red River Basin
- James River Basin
- Souris River Basin
- Upper Missouri River Basin (including Lake Sakakawea)
- Lower Missouri River Basin (including Lake Oahe)

The Process
The first step in implementing the Basin Framework will be the formation and organization of the BSAG.
Each BSAG will be made up of stakeholders living in the basin who have a resource interest in the
basin. The BSAG will provide the local leadership for developing and implementing each Basin Water
Quality Management Plan (basin plan). In cooperation with the WMP, the BSAG will be responsible for
overseeing the phases of the Basin Plan which include the facilitation, coordination and implementation of
the water quality assessment, restoration and protection, and education activities outlined by the basin
Basin Technical Advisory Groups (BTAGs) will be formed in each basin to provide expertise and technical
guidance to the BSAG for the development and implementation of the basin plan. Members of this group will be
primarily from state and federal agencies and academic representatives. These include, but are not limited
to, the NDDoH, US Geological Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service,
ND State Water Commission, ND Game and Fish Department, ND Department of Agriculture, ND Forest Service and
NDSU Extension Service.
Basin Priorities
In order to set priorities for a basin, data must be gathered and gaps in the data must be identified. Once
this process has been completed, BSAGs will identify and prioritize water quality problems and issues in the
basin. The primary method for prioritization will be the Recovery Potential Screening (RPS) tool
which was highlighted in the previous issue of North Dakota Water.
Basin Plans
Based on RPS tool results, the BSAGs will set watershed and educational priorities within the basin and
develop a 5-year basin plan from its list of priorities. The initial basin plan will be the key document
used by the BSAG and its partners to: 1) describe resource conditions in the basin; 2) identify water
quality management priorities; 3) identify information and education priorities; 4) schedule implementation
of priority projects; and 5) estimate financial needs for the five year project implementation period.
The WMP and BSAG will evaluate the plans to determine effectiveness and the need for updates and changes in
management priorities.
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