Water Quality Standards

The state and public policy is to maintain or improve, or both, the quality of the waters of the state and to maintain and protect existing uses. Classifications and standards are established for the protection of public health and environmental resources and for the enjoyment of these waters, to ensure the propagation and well-being of resident fish, wildlife, and all biota associated with, or dependent upon, these waters; and to safeguard social, economical, and industrial development. Waters not being put to use shall be protected for all reasonable uses for which these waters are suitable. All known and reasonable methods to control and prevent pollution of the waters of this state are required, including improvement in quality of these waters, when feasible.

What are Beneficial Uses?

Classification of waters of the state shall be used to maintain and protect the present and future beneficial uses of these waters. Classification of waters of the state shall be made or changed whenever new or additional data warrant the classification or a change of an existing classification.

  • Municipal and domestic water. Waters suitable for use as a source of water supply for drinking and culinary purposes after treatment to a level approved by the department.
  • Fish and aquatic biota. Waters suitable for the propagation and support of fish and other aquatic biota and waters that will not adversely affect wildlife in the area. Low flows or natural physical and chemical conditions in some waters may limit their value for fish propagation or aquatic biota.
  • Recreation. Primary recreational waters are suitable for recreation where direct body contact is involved, such as bathing and swimming, and where secondary recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and wading are involved. Natural high turbidities in some waters and physical characteristics of banks and streambeds of many streams are factors that limit their value for bathing.
  • Agricultural uses. Waters suitable for irrigation, stock watering, and other agricultural uses, but not suitable for use as a source of domestic supply for the farm unless satisfactory treatment is provided.
  • Industrial water. Waters suitable for industrial purposes, including food processing, after treatment. Treatment may include that necessary for prevention of boiler scale and corrosion.

  • Water Quality Division Employee Email List (click to expand)

    Last Name First Name E-Mail Address Program Phone
    Anderson Carl cjanders@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5213
    Anderson Eric eric.anderson@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-6092
    Becker Sarah sebecker@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-9151
    Brazil Emily ebrazil@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5296
    Delzer Alexis adelzer@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5282
    Dettling Kylee kdettling@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5187
    Dunbar Megan msdunbar@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-1427
    Espe Brady bespe@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5228
    Gilley Cameron cgilley@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5210
    Gross Joe jlgross@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5292
    Grossman Dallas dgrossma@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5242
    Hanson Lawrence lawrence.hanson@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5291
    Haroldson Marty mharolds@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5234
    Hite Nicole nhite@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-1676
    Houle Brian bHoule@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5193
    Kaiser Don dkaiser@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5151
    Kruske Montana mkruske@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5172
    Libunao Tate tlibunao@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-9182
    McCauley Jenna Jenna.McCauley@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management
    Miller Meridith meridith.miller@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5166
    Nelson Amber amjnelson@nd.gov Water Quality Division 701-328-5210
    Novak Emilee ejnovak@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5240
    Schick McKenzie mschick@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5288
    Schiwal Alyssa aschiwal@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5159
    Schuett Patrick pschuett@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5235
    Stockdill Scott sjstockdill@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5241
    Strommen Rachel rstrommen@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5244
    Suess Bill bsuess@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5216
    Suggs Shannon ssuggs@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-6409
    Waldron Feld Sarah sfeld@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5237
    Wallery Paige pWallery@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5243
    Wert Joshua jewert@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5014
    Westercamp Benjamin bwestercamp@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-6032
    Woutat Tanner twoutat@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5233