Electronic Reporting & Permit Systems

The Combined Environmental Regulatory Information System – North Dakota (CERIS-ND) is an online portal for the regulated community for permitting, licensing, reporting and notifications. CERIS-ND makes environmental compliance permitting and reporting easier for the regulated community. It allows environmental records to be open to the regulated community and public, increasing transparency. CERIS-ND includes:

  • E-Permitting & Licensing
  • Electronic reporting and notifications
  • Data hub for public transparency

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality is transitioning some programs to CERIS-ND. Currently the Division of Air Quality and the Division of Water Quality’s North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) permits program are utilizing CERIS-ND. All Air Quality regulated entities are required to submit using CERIS-ND. All NDPDES regulated entities are required to submit using CERIS-ND unless a temporary waiver has been obtained. 

To Access and Use CERIS-ND:

 Access CERIS-ND   (for regulated community)

 CERIS-ND Open Records (for general public access to view records)

Note that the records in CERIS-ND may not be complete. If there are documents that are not in CERIS-ND, please submit an Open Records Request for those records.

Air Quality Info

CERIS-ND Programs & Reports, Permits, Etc.


Submission Type

Form Name


Certifier Approval Required (Y/N)?

Air Quality Permit Air Construction Permit (ACP) - New NSR/PSD Pre-Construction Permits No
Air Quality Permit Air Construction Permit (ACP) - Modification Modifying an issued, but not completed NSR/PSD Pre-Construction Permit No
Air Quality Permit Air Operating Permit (AOP) - New Minor Source and Synthetic Minor Source Operating Permits No
Air Quality Permit Air Operating Permit (AOP) - Renewal Renew an existing Minor Source or Synthetic Minor Source Operating Permit No
Air Quality Permit Air Operating Permit (AOP) - Modification Modify an existing Minor Source or Synthetic Minor Source Operating Permit No
Air Quality Permit Air Title V Operating Permit (AOP) - New Submit an initial Title V (Major Source) Operating Permit [for non oil & gas production sites] Yes
Air Quality Permit Air Title V Operating Permit (AOP) OG - New Submit an initial Title V (Major Source) Operating Permit [for oil & gas production sites] Yes
Air Quality Permit Air Title V Operating Permit (AOP) - Administrative Amendment Amend an existing Title V (Major Source) Operating Permit that qualifies for an Administrative Amendment Yes
Air Quality Permit Air Title V Operating Permit (AOP) - Modification Modify an existing Title V (Major Source) Operating Permit Yes
Air Quality Permit Air Title V Operating Permit (AOP) - Renewal Renew an existing Title V (Major Source) Operating Permit Yes
Air Quality Permit Oil and Gas Facility Registration - New Oil & Gas Production Facility Registration for new well pads No
Air Quality Permit Oil and Gas Facility Registration - Modification Oil & Gas Production Facility Registration for existing well pads (aka amend registration) No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air 40 CFR Part 60 NSPS Submittal Submit any NSPS Compliance Report or Notifications where there isn't a specific CERIS-ND form No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air 40 CFR Part 61 NESHAP Submittal Submit any NESHAP Compliance Report or Notifications where there isn't a specific CERIS-ND form No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air 40 CFR Part 63 MACT/GACT Submittal Submit any MACT/GACT Compliance Report or Notifications where there isn't a specific CERIS-ND form No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air General Compliance Submittal Submit any General Communication, Report or Notifications where there isn't an NSPS, NESAHP, MACT/GACT report or where there isn't a specific CERIS-ND form for sites that have an ACP, AOP, or OGR No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air General Notification (for Non-Permitted Sites) Submit any General Communication, Report or Notifications where the facility/site does not have an active ACP, AOP, or OGR. No
Air Quality Report Air Title V Annual Compliance Certification Report (Moved from ERIS) Submit an Air Title V Annual Compliance Certification Report Yes
Air Quality Report Air Title V Semi-Annual Report (Moved from ERIS) Submit an Air Title V Semi-Annual Report Yes
Air Quality Report Air Quarterly Excess Emission Report (QEER) Used to submit Air Quarterly Excess Emission Reports No
Air Quality Report Air Stack Test Report Submittal Submit the results of an Air Emissions Stack Test No
Air Quality Report Air RATA Test Report Submittal Submit the results of an Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) No
Air Quality Notification Air Stack/RATA Test Protocol Submission Submit the a test protocol and test notification for an Air Emissions Stack Test or Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) No
Air Quality Report Air 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOOa Annual Report Submit an Air Subpart OOOOa Annual Report No
Air Quality Notification Air 40 CFR 60.5420a(a)(2)(i) - Notification of Well Completion Submit the required Air 40 CFR 60.5420a(a)(2)(i) - Notification of Well Completion No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air Annual Production Report - Asphalt Plants (SFN 11828) Submit an Air Annual Production Report - Asphalt Plants, electronic version of SFN 11828 No
Air Quality Report Air Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)Report Submit an Air Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Report if required under Parts 60, 61, or 63 No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air Annual Production Report - Rock, Sand & Gravel Plants (SFN 51113) Submit an Air Annual Production Report - Rock, Sand & Gravel Plants, electronic version of SFN 51113 No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air Annual Production Report - Synthetic Minor Sources (SFN 51444) Submit an Air Annual Production Report - Synthetic Minor Sources, electronic version of SFN 51444 No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air Asphalt Plant Change of Status Notice (SFN 8455) Submit an Air Asphalt Plant Change of Status Notice, electronic version of SFN 8455 No
Air Quality Notification/Report Air Fuel Supplier Certification for Distillate Oil (NSPS Dc) (SFN58172) Submit an Air Fuel Supplier Certification for Distillate Oil (NSPS Dc), electronic version of SFN 8172 No


What are the benefits of CERIS-ND for the Regulated

  • Secure submittals and receipts of submittals
  • Faster and easier submittals with pre-filling some data on forms
  • Electronic payment
  • Access to view the Division of Air Quality�s records of all facilities (note that we are still working to digitize older paper records, but records from 2015 onward should currently be in CERIS-ND)
  • Facilities can manage their users, for example: gaining and revoking access to CERIS-ND for contractors or consultants

What can I submit in CERIS-ND?

For a list of reports and apps that can be submitted in CERIS-ND see CERIS-ND Programs & Reports, Permits, Etc. above. Currently only the Division of Air Quality is using CERIS-ND; however, other programs within the Department may migrate to this system in the future.

Note: CERIS-ND is set up to accept and handle ALL Air Quality regulatory communications and workflows, except for the Annual Emission Inventory Reports (AEIRs). AEIRs are being migrated into the electronic State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS).

For reporting 2020 emissions data, minor sources will continue using the paper forms for Annual Emission Inventory Reports (AEIRs). Minor sources will be migrated to SLEIS in 2022 to report 2021 emissions. More information on the migration to SLEIS will follow later in 2021.

Why do my permits have different numbers?

With the migration to CERIS-ND we had to update our Air Quality permit numbering system.

  • ACP = Air Construction Permit, formally PTCYY000
  • AOP = Air Operating Permit, formally PTO Nos. FYY000 or T5-FYY000
  • OGR = Oil and Gas Registration, new.

Your old permit numbers will be updated to the new numbering system upon the next renewal or revision of your facility�s permit(s).

Am I required to submit using CERIS-ND?

At this point, the use of CERIS-ND by the minor source community is optional, but highly encouraged for secure submittals, especially with changes due to COVID-19. The more data submitted using CERIS-ND the more data can be used to pre-populate forms and speed up recurring submittals.

CERIS-ND use is REQUIRED for sources subject to 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOO and OOOOa and the upstream oil and gas production industry. The CERIS-ND system was specifically funded under HB1024 to enable the Division to properly handle the reporting and notification requirement of these two federal subparts.

Do I need Certifier Status to submit things in CERIS-ND

NO. At this time, only Title V Operating Permit applications, Title V Annual Compliance Certification and Title V Semi-Annual Reports require a Certifier Status to submit. If you are a minor source, synthetic minor source, or oil and gas production site you do not need Certifier approval and status to use CERIS-ND. See Table above for full listing of electronic submittals available in CERIS-ND and if the submittal requires Certifier Status to submit.


Electronic Reporting Rule Summary

The E-Reporting Rule requires that all NDPDES information be shared with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency electronically and that all permittees submit permit information to the State electronically (e.g. general permit applications, DMRs, annual reports, etc.). The E-Reporting Rule allows sites to request a waiver from submitting electronically. A copy of the published Final E-Reporting Rule may be obtained at

Temporary Waivers

As allowed under 40 CFR 127.15, sites may request a temporary waiver from submitting required permit information to the Department electronically. The required information includes discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), annual reports, and any requested reports.

To be considered, a site must submit a temporary electronic reporting waiver (SFN 60992). Temporary waivers are effective for a specified period of no more than five (5) years. Upon expiration of the temporary waiver, a site will either need to reapply for a temporary waiver or register and begin submitting permit information electronically through CERIS-ND. Temporary waivers are not transferable.

The Department will review each waiver request, approve or reject the request within 120 days, and provide notification of its decision. Sites with approved waivers must submit hard copies of required permit information.

The Department will not accept temporary waivers from major dischargers and certain industrial and commercial facilities, power plants, and coal mines. One of the following criteria must be met in order to obtain a waiver:

  • No Internet access,
  • No computer access,
  • Annual DMRs (upon approval by the Department),
  • Employee turnover (3-month periods only), or
  • Short duration permits (upon approval by the Department)

Temporary waiver forms submitted to the Department that do not contain the "wet" signature (photocopied, faxed or scanned, emailed) or are not complete will be returned.

Temporary E-Reporting Waiver

CERIS-ND User Help Documents



Guide for Creating a New CERIS Account March 2025
Guide to Add Existing Sites to an Existing User Account March 2025
CERIS-ND Tutorial Series January 2021
For questions related to CERIS-ND e-forms contact your permit/license/compliance manager or email (CERIS-ND@nd.gov)

The Department is working towards making required reporting available through our Electronic Reporting Information System (ERIS). Many programs within the Department of Environmental Quality allow some or all of their reporting requirements to be submitted electronically. This system is CROMERR compliant.

To Set-up ERIS Access:
  1. Sign-up for a North Dakota Login (if you don't have one already)

  2. Complete the Subscriber Agreement (SFN 60908) and mail it to the Department. Please allow two weeks to authorize and activate your account. You will receive an email when your account has been activated. Forms which are submitted that do not contain the "wet" signature (e.g. photocopied, faxed or scanned and emailed) or are not complete will be returned.

 Access ERIS   

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality has transitioned to an online annual emissions inventory report (AEIR) submittal process. The State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS), is exclusively being used to submit, review, and process AEIRs. This system allows facilities to electronically edit and submit their AEIR, view Department changes, and view their annual fee. This system is now used by all facilities holding a Title V or minor source permit.

Minor Sources (i.e. Non-Title V): For reporting emissions, minor sources may still use the PDF forms and attach them to the SLEIS report submission. Forms can be found below under the AEIR Forms section.

To Access and Use SLEIS:

  • Complete the Subscriber Agreement (SFN 61755) and mail it to the Department. Please allow two weeks to authorize and activate your account. You will receive an email when your account has been activated.
  • Subscriber Agreement forms which are submitted that do not contain the "wet" signature (e.g. photocopied, faxed or scanned and emailed) or are incomplete will be returned.

 Submit Electronically through SLEIS   

SLEIS Help Document

SLEIS User Help Documents



SLEIS Facility Training Guide November 2019
NDDEQ SLEIS Facility Guidance January 2020
SLEIS Video Tutorial January 2020

The Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program works with owners and operators of underground storage tanks to ensure that the compliance, leak detection, new installations, upgrades and tank closures are completed in accordance with North Dakota's Underground Storage Tank Rules.

 UST Operator Portal On-line Services 

The Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund (PTRCF) Program works with owners and operators of petroleum storage tanks to financially assist tank owners for cleanup costs and third-party liability caused by petroleum contamination. The Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund online portal allows tank owners to process and pay for annual registrations online as well as to submit new tank registrations and tank sale or disposal forms online. Help documents are found on the portal web site.

 PTRCF Online Portal 

Online Solid Waste Transporter Permit Application

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality Solid Waste program is moving to an online system for Waste Transporter Permits to allow people to apply for a new Waste Transporter Permit, renew a Permit, request modification on existing permits, request changes to staff associated with the company or pay the annual fee for a waste transporter permit.

 Solid Waste Portal Transportation App On-line Services


Online Payment Option and Instructions

The North Dakota Radiation Control Program has established an online payment option for Radioactive Materials Licensing.

 Radioactive Materials License Payment Portal


Online Payment Option and Instructions

The North Dakota Radiation Control Program has established an online payment option for X-ray registrations.

 X-ray Registration Payment Portal