North Dakota Risk Based Correction Action (NDRBCA)

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) has developed a Risk Based Correction Action Program (NDRBCA) for the management of contaminant release sites. This management approach ensures the protection of human health and the environment based on scientific assessment of the risks posed by contaminants, now and in the future. NDRBCA starts after the contamination has been identified and all emergency response measures have been completed. NDRBCA’s three main goals are:

  • Protection of human health and the environment
  • Practical and cost-effective application of risk-based decision making
  • Consistent and technically defensible administrative procedures
Why is NDRBCA useful?
  • Categorize sites according to risk to help in allocating resources for the protection of human health and the environment
  • Provide the appropriate level of oversight while moving sites forward along a path to closure. NDRBCA is a tool for determining the amount and urgency of action necessary
NDRBCA helps to:
  • Identify exposure pathways and receptors at a site
  • Incorporate risk analysis into all phases of the corrective action process
  • Select appropriate and cost-effective corrective action


NDRBCA Training Video is now available! Training is approximately 3 hours.

NDRBCA Online Training August 2024

NDRBCA Quick Reference Documents

Related NDDEQ Guidance Documents

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