Radiation Control Program

The Radiation Control Program monitors the development and use of ionizing radiation sources and devices to protect the health and safety of North Dakotans and the environment. The program licenses radioactive material users and registers x-ray facilities. Staff members track about 62 radioactive material licenses, more than 700 x-ray registrants, and perform periodic inspections of both types of radiation users. Please read our disclaimer.

Questions may be addressed to the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality at 701-328-5166 or ram@nd.gov for Radioactive Materials and x-ray@nd.gov for Radiation Machines.

    The X-ray Program has added an online payment option

    Visit the Registration Information section in the X-ray Program page for more details.

Article 10—Radiological Health Rules

For ease in finding the incorporated rules, we have included links to 33-10 that have NRC rules incorporated. See links under the Full Incorporated Rules column.



Full Incorporated Rules

33.1-10-01 General Provisions
33.1-10-02 Registration of Radiation Machine Facilities and Services
33.1-10-03.1 Rules of General Application to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material 33.1-10-03.1
33.1-10-04.2 Standards for Protection Against Radiation 33.1-10-04.2
33.1-10-05.1 Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations 33.1-10-05.1
33.1-10-06 X-Rays in the Healing Arts
33.1-10-07.2 Medical Use of Byproduct Material 33.1-10-07.2
33.1-10-08 Radiation Safety Requirements for Analytical X-ray Equipment
33.1-10-09 Radiation Safety Requirements for Particle Accelerators
33.1-10-10.1 Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers - Inspections 33.1-10-10.1
33.1-10-11 Fees for Issuance of License and Registration Certificates and Inspections
33.1-10-12.1 Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Well Logging 33.1-10-12.1
33.1-10-13.1 Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material 33.1-10-13.1
33.1-10-14.1 Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators 33.1-10-14.1
33.1-10-15 Therapeutic Radiation Machines
33.1-10-16 Domestic Licensing of Source Material 33.1-10-16
33.1-10-17 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material 33.1-10-17
33.1-10-18 General Domestic Licenses for Byproduct Material 33.1-10-18
33.1-10-19 Reciprocal Recognition of Licenses 33.1-10-19
33.1-10-20 Specific Domestic Licenses to Manufacture or Transfer Certain Item Containing Byproduct Material 33.1-10-20
33.1-10-21 Specific Domestic Licenses of Broad Scope for Byproduct Material 33.1-10-21
33.1-10-22 Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material 33.1-10-22
33.1-10-23 Regulation and Licensing of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material

Repealed Rules



Related Links 

33-10-03 Licensing of Radioactive Material [Repealed]
33-10-04 Standards for Protection Against Radiation [Repealed]
33-10-04.1 Standards for Protection Against Radiation [Repealed]
33-10-05 Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations [Repealed]
33-10-07 Use of Radionuclides in the Healing Arts [Repealed]
33-10-07.1 Medical Use of Radioactive Material [Repealed]
33-10-10 Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers - Inspections [Repealed]
33-10-12 Radiation Safety Requirements for Wireline Service Operations and Subsurface Tracer Studies [Repealed]
33-10-13 Transportation of Radioactive Material [Repealed]
33-10-14 Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators [Repealed]

Radiation Forms

Form Name


Application for Radioactive Material License 8418
Application for TENORM Transporter Radioactive Material License 60265
Assembler Registration Link
Authorized Medical Physicist 313A AMP
Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist (NRC 313A ANP) 313A ANP
Authorized User Training & Experience & Preceptor Attestation - [Imaging and localization studies, Uptake dilution, and excretion studies, and Sealed sources of diagnosis uses.] (NRC 313A AUD) 313A AUD
Authorized User Training & Experience & Preceptor Attestation - [Use of unsealed byproduct material for which a directive is required. Oral administration of sodium iodide I-131 requiring a written directive in quantities less than or equal to 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries). Oral administration of sodium iodide I-131 requiring a written directive in quantities greater than 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries). Parenteral administration of any beta-emitter, or photon-emitting radionuclide with a photon energy less than 150 keV for which a written directive is required. Parenteral administration of any other radionuclide for which a written directive is required uses.] (NRC 313A AUT) 313A AUT
Authorized User Training & Experience & Preceptor Attestation - [Manual brachytherapy sources, Ophthalmic use of strontium-90, Remote afterloader unit(s), Teletherapy unit(s), and Gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit(s) uses.] (NRC 313A AUS) 313A AUS
Certificate: Disposition of Radioactive Material 18941
Criminal History Record Check Request Pursuant to NDCC 12-60-24 60688
Current Occupational Radiation Exposure 8416
DOT Exemption Requests for Low Levels of External Radiation: DOT-SP 10656-Shippers & Carriers of Scrap Metal-Special Permit SP 10656
DOT Exemption Requests for Low Levels of External Radiation: DOT-SP 10656-Shippers & Carriers of Scrap Metal Shipment-Approval Form SP 10656
DOT Exemption Requests for Low Levels of External Radiation: DOT-SP 11406-Shippers & Carriers of Liquid & Solid Waste-Special Permit SP 11406
DOT Exemption Requests for Low Levels of External Radiation: DOT-SP 11406-Shippers & Carriers of Liquid & Solid Waste-Shipment Approval Form SP 11406
Facility Close-Out Form/Property Release and/or License Termination Checklist 58229
Authorized User Guidance for the NRC 313A Forms 313A
Health Physics Registration Link
Notice to Employees-Standards for Radiation Protection 8414
Occupational Radiation Exposure History 19443
Personal and Business Information Disclosure 61001
Radiation Machine Registration 8428
Radiation Machine Registration-[Out-of-State Reciprocity] 7590
Radiation Machine Registration-Change of Status Notification Link
Radiation Safety Documents for Radioactive Materials) Link
Radioactive Material Reciprocity Request 58230
Radiological Emergency Assistance Link
Radiation Safety Officer 313A RSO

Policy Memos, Documents & Guidance

Contact Us

David Stradinger

Program Manager

Radioactive Materials | X-Ray | Indoor Air Quality | Lead–Based Paint | Asbestos | Radon

Division of Waste Management
4201 Normandy Street
Bismarck, ND 58503-1324

H: Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
P: 701-328-5166
F: 701-328-5185
Radioactive Materials Email: ram@nd.gov
X-ray Email: x-ray@nd.gov
For immediate assistance, please use the contact information above.

Last Name First Name E-Mail Address Program Phone
Anderson Janell jdAnderson@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-5204
Deibert Karen kdeibert@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-4458
Hofmann Angela ahofmann@nd.gov WM Radiation Control
Lawson James jlawson@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-6403
Milner Christopher cmilner@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-9060
Olson Brooke bmolson@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-5182
Stradinger David dstradinger@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-6410
Traxel Kelsey ktraxel@nd.gov WM Radiation Control 701-328-5258

Schedule of Fees for 2024 Radioactive Material Licenses (PDF)

Schedule of Fees for 2024 X-ray Machine and Service Provider Registrations (PDF)

Other sources of Radiation Information (outside of NDDEQ)