Spill Investigation Program

Environmental Incident Reports

Environmental Incident Reports

Prior to the Unified Spill Reporting System that started on January 1, 2021, reports of environmental incidents in North Dakota were submitted to one of three agencies - Department of Emergency Services, Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Mineral Resources' Oil and Gas Division of the North Dakota Industrial Commission. Incidents reported to the Department of Environmental Quality were called General Environmental Incidents while those reported to the Department of Mineral Resources were called Oilfield Environmental Incidents.

The oilfield environmental incident data was gathered and maintained by the Oil and Gas Division. The Department of Environmental Quality was allowed read-only access to a portion of this data and provided it to the public as received without modification. When Department of Environmental Quality staff investigated reported incidents, they updated the information and recorded it in the update section of each report, producing a new version of the summary report with the next web page update cycle. The web page was updated routinely. None of the General or Oilfield environmental incident reports that were received prior to using the Unified Spill Reporting System were migrated to it. Therefore, the lists of incidents provided below cover only the period from 1975 through 2020. Incidents that were active at the time of the switch will continue to be updated and new summary reports will be uploaded to these lists as usual. Incidents that were reported after 2020 can be found using the Public Access Tool at spill.nd.gov or clicking on the appropriate tab below.

Water Quality Division Employee Email List (click to expand)

Last Name First Name E-Mail Address Program Phone
Anderson Carl cjanders@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5213
Anderson Eric eric.anderson@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-6092
Becker Sarah sebecker@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-9151
Brazil Emily ebrazil@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5296
Delzer Alexis adelzer@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5282
Dettling Kylee kdettling@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5187
Dunbar Megan msdunbar@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-1427
Espe Brady bespe@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5228
Gilley Cameron cgilley@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5210
Gross Joe jlgross@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5292
Grossman Dallas dgrossma@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5242
Hanson Lawrence lawrence.hanson@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5291
Haroldson Marty mharolds@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5234
Hite Nicole nhite@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-1676
Houle Brian bHoule@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5193
Kaiser Don dkaiser@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5151
Kruske Montana mkruske@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5172
Libunao Tate tlibunao@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-9182
McCauley Jenna Jenna.McCauley@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management
Miller Meridith meridith.miller@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5166
Nelson Amber amjnelson@nd.gov Water Quality Division 701-328-5210
Novak Emilee ejnovak@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5240
Schick McKenzie mschick@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5288
Schiwal Alyssa aschiwal@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5159
Schuett Patrick pschuett@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5235
Stockdill Scott sjstockdill@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5241
Strommen Rachel rstrommen@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5244
Suess Bill bsuess@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5216
Suggs Shannon ssuggs@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-6409
Waldron Feld Sarah sfeld@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5237
Wallery Paige pWallery@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5243
Wert Joshua jewert@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5014
Westercamp Benjamin bwestercamp@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-6032
Woutat Tanner twoutat@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5233