Water Well Information

Water Well Construction

Construction of water wells and installation of pumps and pitless units is regulated under Water Well Construction Rules - NDAC 33.1-18-01.
North Dakota does not regulate private well placement or water quality.

Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction

Construction of monitoring wells is regulated under Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Rules - NDAC 33.1-18-02.

Water Well Contractor Licensing

All drilling and construction of water wells or monitoring wells and installation of water well pumps or pitless units must be performed by a contractor certified by the North Dakota State Board of Water Well Contractors. This does not restrict someone from constructing a well for their own use on their own property. 

The certified water well contractor, pump and pitless unit installer, or monitoring well contractor whose decal is on the primary equipment shall actually be in charge of its operation. A person is in charge only when the person has actual supervisory power over the work and makes onsite inspections of the work and progress.

Rules for certification of drilling contractors or pump installers are found in State Board of Water Well Contractors - NDAC 90-01 and 90-02.

ND Board of Water Well Contractors Contact Information:
Website: http://bwwc.nd.gov/
Phone: 701-328-2754


Please Note: In addition to certification by the ND Board of Water Well Contractors, all in-state and out-of-state water well contractors or pump and pitless unit installers must be certified to do business in North Dakota, and also have a general contractor's license if the charge for any job is $4000 or greater.  These certifications and licenses are administered through the North Dakota Secretary of State's Office.  See Contractors tab for more information or call 701-328-2900 for more information.

Water Quality Division Employee Email List (click to expand)

Last Name First Name E-Mail Address Program Phone
Anderson Carl cjanders@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5213
Anderson Eric eric.anderson@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-6092
Becker Sarah sebecker@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-9151
Brazil Emily ebrazil@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5296
Delzer Alexis adelzer@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5282
Dettling Kylee kdettling@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5187
Espe Brady bespe@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5228
Gilley Cameron cgilley@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5210
Gross Joe jlgross@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5292
Grossman Dallas dgrossma@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5242
Hanson Lawrence lawrence.hanson@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5291
Haroldson Marty mharolds@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5234
Hite Nicole nhite@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-1676
Houle Brian bHoule@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5193
Joynt Emily eJoynt@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5239
Kaiser Don dkaiser@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5151
Kruske Montana mkruske@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5172
Libunao Tate tlibunao@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-9182
McCauley Jenna Jenna.McCauley@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management
Miller Meridith meridith.miller@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5166
Nelson Amber amjnelson@nd.gov Water Quality Division 701-328-5210
Novak Emilee ejnovak@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5240
Schick McKenzie mschick@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5288
Schiwal Alyssa aschiwal@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5159
Schuett Patrick pschuett@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5235
Stockdill Scott sjstockdill@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5241
Strommen Rachel rstrommen@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5244
Suess Bill bsuess@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5216
Suggs Shannon ssuggs@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-6409
Waldron Feld Sarah sfeld@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-5237
Wallery Paige pWallery@nd.gov WQ Spill Investigation 701-328-5243
Wax Peter pwax@nd.gov WQ Special Projects 701-328-5268
Wert Joshua jewert@nd.gov WQ Watershed Management 701-328-5014
Westercamp Benjamin bwestercamp@nd.gov WQ NDPDES Permitting 701-328-6032
Woutat Tanner twoutat@nd.gov WQ Ground Water Monitoring 701-328-5233