SRF Project Flowchart can be found here. And the SRF Project Manual can be
found here.
The typical SRF project consists of three steps, the facility plan, plans and specifications, and
construction. As the name implies, the facility plan is a
planning document that establishes existing conditions, identifies the current problems, projects
future conditions at the design year, and evaluates
alternatives to solve the existing problems and meet future needs. The evaluation of alternatives
includes both a cost effectiveness analysis and an
environmental assessment. The intent of the facility plan is to arrive at the most cost effective,
environmentally sound solution to the problem. The
facility plan must be approved by the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ)
before the project can proceed to the next step. The Outline for Facilities Planning can be found
here and the Cost and
Effectiveness Certification can be
found here.
When the facility plan is approved, plans, specifications, and bidding documents are prepared based
on the recommended alternative from the facility
plan. These must comply with, among other things, MBE/WBE and EEO requirements. The Specification
Package and Required Bid Language can be
found here.
documents are approved by the
NDDEQ, the project can be advertised and bids opened. If the bids are acceptable, the construction
contract must be awarded to the
low, responsive, responsible bidder following NDDEQ authorization. The Bid Document Submittal
Checklist can be found
here. Construction can now
begin at the
community's convenience.
At this time, the NDDEQ will schedule a preconstruction meeting with the community, consulting
engineer and contractor(s) to explain the construction
related requirements that must be complied with and to answer any questions that arise. In addition
to the preconstruction meeting, periodic
interim inspections will be conducted by NDDEQ engineers during the construction phase of the
project. Since SRF loans are cost
reimbursable, construction costs must be incurred before the community can receive payments. Once
costs are incurred, the community should submit
periodic payment requests to the NDDEQ for processing. Payment Request Forms can be
found here. Payment should be
received by the
community within two weeks of receipt of the request by the Department. When construction is
completed, the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality will conduct a
final inspection to verify compliance with federal requirements, verify that the project was
constructed in accordance with the approved plans and
specifications, and establish final costs. The Final Document Checklist and Forms can be
found here.
Repayment of principle must begin no more than one year after the project is declared operational.
Prior to this, the North Dakota Public Finance Authority will
work with the community to establish a repayment schedule.
Each loan recipient is required to certify that one year after the initiation of operation date, the
project is still meeting design specifications and
project performance standards. A sample of the One Year Certification letter can be found here.