Permit Portal

The Division of Air Quality maintains an air permitting database; permit records contained in the database can be viewed online and printed by following the links below. Facilities listed in the database include those with general permits, minor sources, synthetic minor sources, and Title V (major) sources.

If a permit you are looking for is unavailable online, contact the Department.

To review and comment on Construction and Operating Permits that are open for Public Comment, see:
Public Comments & Notices

To Access and Use CERIS-ND:

 Access CERIS-ND

Note that at this point only the Division of Air Quality is using CERIS-ND, other Department program may migrate to this system in the future. The Division of Air Quality is working to digitize our paper records for inclusion in CERIS-ND, so please be aware that the records in CERIS-ND may not be complete. If there are documents that are not in CERIS-ND, please submit an Open Records Request for those records.

Use the map feature to search by location or site name, then click on the map pin and "SHOW MORE INFORMATION." Permits and other records are accessible under the DOCUMENTS tab. Please note that not all of our files are digitized. If you are looking for a record unavailable on CERIS-ND, please complete an open records request (see our Open Records page for more info).

Permit to Construct (PTC)

For questions related to a specific Construction Permit, call David Stroh at 701-328-5229 or by email at

For information or questions related to Construction Permitting, see our Construction Permitting page.

To check the status of a construction permit application see our PTC In-Progress page.

Note: For more information or questions concerning CERIS-ND contact the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality at 701-328-5188 or email the Department at

Last Updated: 12/07/2020