Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR)
The Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) requires that all public water systems (PWSs) within the state
test for bacterial contamination monthly. When
certain bacteria are confirmed to be present in drinking water, an assessment of the system is conducted
to identify the source/s of the problem
and to determine what corrective actions need to be taken to resolve the issue. There are two types of
assessments, level 1 and level 2, which
are conducted based upon the severity of the contamination detected. Assessments are used to find
sanitary defects that could provide pathways
of entry for microbial contamination or to find failures of protective barriers against microbial
contamination. The state holds water systems
accountable for timely completion of all corrective actions identified during assessments
Jacob Schafer
Rule Manager - Assessments
P: 701-328-6375
Roxela Friesz
Rule Manager - Site Plans/Start-up Procedures
P: 701-328-5297