Facility Inspections

Inspections are conducted to determine compliance with permit conditions during construction and operational phases of various facilities. Inspections are normally coordinated and announced before hand. On occasion, an inspection may be conducted unannounced.

If you have an issued Permit to Construct or Permit to Operate, please address questions to your facility's state Compliance Manager (see CERIS-ND Site>Details for your state contact).

Questions may be addressed to the Department at 701-328-5196, or email Keith Hinnenkamp (KHinnenk@nd.gov).

An inspection is an on-site review of a facility for compliance with state and federal air pollution control rules. During an inspection, Department inspectors will review current permit conditions for applicability, review documentation for monitoring of processes and air pollution control equipment, review other operational data, and verify equipment size and status.

If a violation or suspected violation is found, the inspector will inform a company representative of the problem while on site. The Department may follow-up with an enforcement action to ensure the non-compliance matter is corrected.


Each facility is assigned a DoAQ staff member for handling compliance questions and reporting review. The contact can be found through CERIS-ND Site>Details for your state contact).

Most major (Title V) sources are inspected annually. Minor sources with air pollution control equipment are normally inspected on a 2-year cycle. However, inspections may be conducted at any time by Department personnel.

Inspection Frequency by Source Type


Emission/Source Type


Title V Actual Emissions ≥ 100 tons/yr Annual
Title V Compressor Stations & Generator Engines Once every 5 years
Title V Other sources not listed above Once every 2 years
Synthetic Minor Subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) (except tanks and rock, sand & gravel plants) Once every 2 years
Synthetic Minor Subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) (if tanks and rock, sand & gravel plants) Initial Only
Synthetic Minor Not subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) (and w/ controls) Once every 2 years
Synthetic Minor Not subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) (and w/o controls) Initial Only
Minor Tanks Subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Initial Only
Minor Compressor w/ controls Once every 5 years
Minor Not subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) (and w/ controls) Once every 2 years
Minor Not subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) (and w/o controls) Initial Only
Minor Grain Elevators not subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Initial Only

If you believe that a violation of North Dakota and/or Federal air pollution control rules has occurred, a complaint may be filed with the Department. Please see our Complaints page for more information on how to file a complaint or concern.

Last Updated: 12/07/2020