Electronic Reporting Information System (ERIS)

The Electronic Reporting Information System allows laboratories and regulated entities to report information to the Drinking Water Program in a secure manner.

David Christianson

ERIS Administrator

P: 701-328-5178
E: david.christianson@nd.gov

The Electronic Reporting Information System (ERIS) can be used to report the following information to the Drinking Water Program:

  • Laboratories can submit sample results and/or chlorine residual summaries.(Sample results cannot be manually entered into ERIS, a specially formatted text file containing the sample results must be generated, contact the ERIS administrator for more information.)
  • Public water systems can submit Stage 2 Disinfectants Disinfection Byproducts Rule summary information (includes TTHM/HAA5, Chlorine Residual, Bromate/Bromide, and TOC/Alkalinity summary information).

What are the requirements to report to the Drinking Water Program using ERIS?

  • You must be authorized by the public water system/laboratory to report the data to the Drinking Water Program.
  • You must have a North Dakota login account.
    • If you already have a North Dakota Login (Could be used for: other reporting to the State, hunting applications with the North Dakota Game and Fish, etc..) you can use that login, you do not need to create a new one.
  • Your North Dakota login account must be configured in ERIS for the information you will be reporting.(This configuration is done by the ERIS administrator.)

How do I register with ERIS?

  1. Go to the following web site: https://secure.apps.nd.gov/doh/eris/login.aspx.
  2. Click the "Register Now" button.
  3. Complete the registration information.
  4. Check the "I Agree" checkbox at the bottom of the registration page.
  5. Click the "Create Account" button.
    • You will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration.
    • Click the link in the email to confirm your registration to activate your account.
  6. Now you need to notify the ERIS administrator that your account is ready for final configuration, please choose either method:
    • Option 1: Email the ERIS administrator that your account is set up and indicate which public water system(s) you wish to report chlorine residual information for.
    • Option 2: Click the following link, log into ERIS, enter the public water system(s) you wish to report chlorine residual information for, select "Disinfection Byproducts Rule" from the list of dataflow types, select the desired role, and click submit.
      • This will send an email to the ERIS administrator requesting your account be configued to allow you to report the requested information.

How do I get to ERIS

ERIS Login Page


  • I have questions about the registration process.
    • Contact the ERIS administrator.
  • I click the link for ERIS and it says the page is not found.
    • ERIS may be down for maintenance, please try again in an hour.
    • Verify your internet connection is working.
    • Contact the ERIS administrator
  • I forgot my North Dakota Login.
    • Contact the ERIS administrator
    • Click the "Forgot Login" link on the ERIS login page.
  • I forgot my password.
    • On the ERIS login page, click the "Forgot Password" link.
  • Electronic Reporting for Air Quality: http://www.deq.nd.gov/AQ/compliance/Reporting.aspx