Pollution Prevention

This Program works with business and industry across the state of North Dakota to minimize waste generation and provide innovative waste management practices.

Pollution Prevention spans the entire Department of Environmental Quality.


 Division of Waste Management
4201 Normandy Street
Bismarck ND 58503-1324
Telephone: 701-328-5166
Facsimile: 701-328-5200

Pollution prevention is reducing waste at its source. Simply put, pollution prevention tries to eliminate the production of wastes in the first place. Traditionally, businesses have focused on complying with "end of pipe" regulations by managing wastes as they are generated. Pollution prevention can be applied to many aspects of your business, including solid and hazardous waste management, wastewater and storm water management, air emission controls, water conservation and energy conservation. 

Goals for Pollution Prevention

Since all businesses are unique, the "perfect" pollution prevention solution to that business is also unique. However, there are common goals which all businesses should consider when implementing a pollution prevention plan or process. For pollution prevention to be successful, the plan should strive to meet the goals listed below:

Reduce or eliminate pollutants at their source; Minimize or eliminate use of hazardous materials; Substitute less hazardous materials if possible; Assure that reducing pollution or waste from one source does not increase or transfer pollution to another source; and Maximize the efficient use of natural resources.

Benefits for businesses include:

Reduced operating costs. Reduced disposal and/or treatment costs. Reduced potential liabilities. Less regulation. Increased productivity. Appealing to the consumer market. Improved worker safety. Improved employee morale.

Project Showcase:

Landfill Methane Outreach Program The North Dakota Division of Waste Management joined the Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) as a State partner.  Through partnering with the LMOP Organization, the Department plans to disseminate information to solid waste facilities, citizens, businesses, and other organizations within our state about the uses of landfill generated methane.  Although there are limited applications within the state at this time, we hope to be able to answer questions and offer information to those groups which are interested.  LMOP will be used as a clearing house for data and other useful information.  We will ensure that solid waste facilities within the state are aware that the State allows active landfill gas collection as long as those activities are consistent with the Solid Waste Management Rules.  The Division of Waste Management is open to exploring those options.

State Electronics Challenge Is your organization interested in reducing the environmental impact of the electronic equipment it purchases, uses, and disposes?  If the answer is "yes" please consider joining the State Electronics Challenge (SEC).  The SEC is a voluntary program, open free of charge to any state, regional, and local government agency, including public schools, colleges, and universities. The SEC promotes environmental stewardship of computers - from purchasing "green" computers through power management and responsible end of life management - resulting in measurable reductions in energy, greenhouse gases, solid and hazardous waste, and associated costs.  In December 2009, the North Dakota Division of Waste Management, was welcomed as the first EPA Region 8 Partner in the SEC.  Joining the SEC will help you learn how your organization can benefit from the program's proven action plan, implementation tools, and free technical assistance to reduce the environmental footprint of electronic equipment.  The SEC was developed by the Northeast Recycling Council, Inc., and successfully piloted in the Northeast over the past two years.  It's modeled after the Federal Electronics Challenge.

The following links are gateways to useful information regarding pollution prevention:

Abogo - Transportation Costs Made Transparent

National Pollution Prevention Roundtable

North Dakota - Renewable Energy Programs

Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center

US EPA Pollution Prevention


Division of Waste Management
4201 Normandy Street
Bismarck ND 58503-1324
Telephone: 701 328 5166.