Healthcare Facilities Infectious Waste

Medical Symbol Healthcare facilities may include a school or plant nurse's office, physician's office, dental office, medical clinic, assisted-care and long-term care facilities, hospital, veterinary clinic, animal hospital, laboratories, research facilities and universities.




Infectious Waste

Infectious Waste ContainerGenerators of regulated infectious waste at these facilities should separate it from other wastes. Infectious waste should be placed in distinctive containers (such as red bags) which do not leak and are puncture and tear resistant. The containers should also be labeled with the universal biohazard symbol and the word biohazard. You should also include the words infectious waste or medical waste.

Following are North Dakota publications to assist you in the proper management of regulated infectious waste:

North Dakota Solid Waste Management Rules - Regulated Infectious Waste

A Guide to Understanding North Dakota's Infectious Waste Regulations

Infectious Waste Treatment/Disposal Facilities

Following are links to federal sites regarding infectious waste management:

Environmental Protection Agency - Medical Waste

Centers for Disease Control And Prevention - Infection Control

Occupational Safety Health Administration - Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention

Occupational Safety & Health Administration - Hospital E-Tool
Occupational Safety & Health Administration - Occupational Hazards in Long Term Care Nursing Home E-Tool


Pills In ContainersHealthcare facilities are also required to manage their pharmaceuticals properly. Many facilities use a Reverse Distributor to manage their unused and outdated pharmaceuticals. Those pharmaceuticals that cannot be managed through a reverse distributor program, such as outdated (but not returnable for credit), used in compounding or IV preparation, spilled, no longer useable for its intended purpose and any items used in spill cleanup (vermiculite, paper towels and the like) must be characterized as either hazardous or non-hazardous waste and managed properly. The North Dakota Pharmaceutical Waste Guidance can assist you in determining if your waste pharmaceuticals are hazardous waste or not.

Following are links to various sites regarding disposal of pharmaceuticals from healthcare facilities:

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency - Health Care Industry

Healthcare Environmental Resource Center

PharmEcology - Establishing Compliant And Cost-Effective Procedures To Manage Pharmaceutical Waste

If you have further questions contact Diana Trussell by e-mail or telephone 701.328.5164.