Division of Chemistry

The Chemistry Division of the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality holds this to be true: Our mission is to provide legally defensible quality analytical laboratory services within a reasonable time for the department and the state of North Dakota.

Jim Quarnstrom

Director, Division of Chemistry

Visitors have frequently browsed our web site searching for report information, how to find us, or just for general information. Please feel free to take a look around yourself.

Livestock Water Testing Guidelines

Chemistry Lab Fee Increase Letter

Employee Email List

Last Name First Name E-Mail Address Program Phone
Brunner Sarah sabrunner@nd.gov Chemistry
Cech Charles ccech@nd.gov Chemistry
DeWald Matthew mdewald@nd.gov Chemistry
Dillmann Nikki ndillmann@nd.gov Chemistry
Gabriel John jlgabriel@nd.gov Chemistry
Gorman Erica egorman@nd.gov Chemistry
Hasche Alysha ajhasche@nd.gov Chemistry
Kosse Kevin kkosse@nd.gov Chemistry
Krivoruchka Darby dkrivoruchka@nd.gov Chemistry
Peterson Eric epeterso@nd.gov Chemistry
Quarnstrom James jquarnst@nd.gov Chemistry
Resch Christine cresch@nd.gov Chemistry
Schwindt Devin dSchwindt@nd.gov Chemistry
Stocker Chris CJStocker@nd.gov Chemistry
Ussatis Todd tussatis@nd.gov Chemistry
Wanner Tyra twanner@nd.gov Chemistry